Five Mistakes to Avoid Growing and Planting Bare Root Roses

With spring just around the corner and bare root trees and shrubs available for at least another month, now is the ideal time to pick up some fantastic bare-root rose bargains. However, its not really a bargain if you are unaware of some of the mistakes that can be made when planting, growing or potting them on! So in this video English horticulturist Simon explains his top five mistakes that you should try to avoid with bare root roses so that you cab produce the very best flower display later on in the growing season.

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Monty Dons says 'Cut back these Three Plants NOW for February'

Spring is just around the corner and in order to get some early gardening jobs completed in a timely manner Monty Don has issued some pertinent advice for February. In this video he discusses three plants that will need to be cut this month, as well as some last minute pruning jobs if you missed out on them earlier on in the year!

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

What Flowers To Sow in February, and What to Sow in Winter. Best Seeds f...

February is here and while we are still in the depths of winter the days are increasing in length and every now and again the sun appears! This means that spring is only just around the corner so to make the most of our relatively short growing period the early gardeners amongst you will already be sowing seeds in order the hit the ground running once the threat of late frosts have passed. So in this video English horticulturist Simon discusses his favourite flower seeds to start early.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Alan Titchmarsh's Five Favourite Flowers

Alan Titchmarsh is one of England's most beloved TV gardeners and in this video we discuss his five favourite flowers. Now they may not be to everyone's tastes but we are all entitled to our own opinions. So in this video English horticulturist Simon give his!

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Monty Don's Full List of Seeds to be Sown in February

This is Monty Dons full list of vegetable seeds to be planted in February. The list is broken down into the following groups:

Heated propagators for Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and aubergines at approximately 20 Celsius 
Peas in root trainers, deep modular tray or toilet rolls   

Chit potatoes – first and second earlies to get the sprouting earlier. This will give you an earlier crop compared to not chitting 

Onions, spring onions, leeks, lettuce, asparagus, artichokes, beetroot, cabbage and cauliflower on a warm windowsill  

Under a cloche or a polytunnel - Carrots,  

Outside if the soil is workable - Broad beans, Garlic bulbs and Onion sets

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Tropical Gardens UK: These are the Exotic Seeds we are Growing, Sowing ...

In this video English horticulturist Simon explains which exotic flower seeds he will be sowing and germinating for his tropical effect garden this February and March.

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Alan Titchmarsh Issues Warning to Gardeners Growing Herbs this February!

Alan Titchmarsh is well known for issuing excellent gardening advice. In this video he expresses his concern about the onset of freezing temperatures in a recent article online and English horticulturist checks out what that could mean for the herbs growing in your garden. So, just what is the advice for growing herbs?

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Monty Don Shares his Essential Gardening Jobs to do in February to 'Prep...

With the onset of March no more than a few weeks away, Monty Don is keen to get on with as many time sensitive gardening Jobs completed now in order to prepare for heavy workload of spring. The more garden tasks you can get done now, the easier your  garden will be to manage and maintain once the growing season is in full swing. So in this video we check out what Monty Don's gardening advice has in store for us.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Gardening Jobs that King Charles Would Expect Completed by January

As King of England, King Charles has a lot on his plate and I am not talking about organically grown produce from Highgrove. Well I am in part. As custodian of the royal palaces and their grounds, and committed organic gardener, King Charles is incredibly enthusiastic about his gardens and as such loves naturally produce fruits and vegetables from his own grounds being served up at mealtimes. So in this video English horticulturist Simon explores what plants are grown in the royals gardens and the time frame for works put in place for their season production in January.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Alan Titchmarsh says 'Complete these Three Gardening Jobs before Spring'

Spring is only just around the corner and with a wealth of jobs to be completed within a short space of time Alan Titchmarsh has offered some top gardening advice. In this video we discuss the three gardening jobs than you can complete before the spring to save you not just in time but in loss of plant stock.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Monty Don says 'These Garden Jobs Should be Finished by the End of Janua...

Join us as we are admonished by Monty Don for not completing our January Garden Jobs in the allotted time of January. Not really, Monty Don wasn't available as he is currently busy filming yet another series about gardens for the BBC which I have yet to have been invited to as an unpaid researcher! I am sure he will be describing something at Baroque at least once per episode! Nevertheless, Monty has his list of gardening Tasks for January which we will be checking through and offering additional advice. Its a good thing no-one reads these!

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Cactus Garden, Lanzarote - Jardín de Cactus, César Manrique Tour

Exactly ten years ago Lorna and I had the opportunity to visit one of our favourite cacti gardens found on the stunning subtropical island of Lanzarote. Since then we had always wanted to go back, although when we do revisit gardens we are often disappointed - such was our return to Majorelle Gardens in Morocco! Arguably, this time around , César Manrique's Jardin de Cactus was even better so check out part one of our two part series, the link to the second video will be listed down below once published.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Simon says 'Plant these Bulbs for January Flowers'

January is one of the most difficult months to try and create some season colour in the garden. So in this video English horticulturist Simon lists his favourite bulbs for January flowers.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Monty Don says 'Plant these four vegetables now'

Spring is just around the corner which means its time to start sowing those early seeds. So in this video English horticulturist Simon discusses what salad and vegetable crops 'Gardening National Treasure' Monty Don is planning on planting now during the month of January!

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Winter Cold Protect Exotic Garden Plants

What is the best winter plant protection? Well if you are talking about an exotic garden then that can vary depending on the plants you have. So in this video English horticulturist Simon explains which plants he earmarked for cold management and exactly how that looks. Now pull out your horticultural fleece, dry mulches and rain covers and lets get to it.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Never Cut these Trees in Winter

When should you cut back trees? Well, for the most part, winter is usually best. However, be aware that there are a number of trees that should never be cut back in the winter due to issues with disease and infection, affecting ornamental display and damage to health due to the bleeding of excessive sap! So in this video English horticulturist Simon discusses the most commonly found trees which should never be cut in the winter as well as identifying the best time depending on the species or cultivar.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Monty Don says 'Complete the Garden Jobs in January!'

Some of you may be thinking...

'What jobs can be done in the garden during the winter as I really hate staying warm and cosy in my lovely middle class home, wrapped up on my sofa with a heated blanket and hot cup of cocoa watching reruns of place in the Sun with Jasmine Harman?'
Well, if that sounds like you then you are in luck as the legacy media has published an article listing Monte Don's top gardening jobs for January. However all is not as it seems, so to find out more check out English horticulturist Simon's take on this new news!

Its a good thing that no one actually reads these descriptions otherwise my sarcasm might get mentioned in the comments. Go on teachers pet. Prove me wrong!

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Overwinter Ginger Lilies - Hedychium

While there are a number of Ginger Lily - Hedychium species and hybrids which will tolerate freezing conditions, temperatures dipping below -5 degrees Celsius are likely to cause root damage affecting the condition of the plant and its ability to provide an decent ornamental display over the following summer. To help mitigate this damage it is worth putting in place some cold protection to stave off the worst of the winter weather. In this video English horticulturist Simon show you what his winter management strategy will be for his ginger lilies this year. Can a ginger plant survive winter? Let's find out.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Walk With Me Tim Parody: Lanzarote, Costa Teguise - Hotel Beatriz Costa ...

Welcome to our second 'Walk With Me Tim' parody video where we stay and review the Hotel Beatriz Costa and Spa, Costa Teguise, Lanzarote. 

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Alan Titchmarsh Issues Snow Warning to Gardeners

Winter is officially here with the arrival of the first UK snow warning. However if you are worried about what this may mean for your garden plants then top gardening presenter Alan Titchmarch has some great advice for you to help avoid any unnecessary damage.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical gardens UK: Behind the Scenes of our Exotic Garden New Years Day

It's the first day of the new year and while most of us have put gardening on hold, there are still a few idiots such as myself who still feel the need to faff about to keep things looking neat and tidy - and also to to put management in place to prevent the loss of tender, overpriced plants! So here it is, our behind the scenes tour of our exotic garden.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.