Monty Don's Full List of Seeds to be Sown in February

This is Monty Dons full list of vegetable seeds to be planted in February. The list is broken down into the following groups:

Heated propagators for Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and aubergines at approximately 20 Celsius 
Peas in root trainers, deep modular tray or toilet rolls   

Chit potatoes – first and second earlies to get the sprouting earlier. This will give you an earlier crop compared to not chitting 

Onions, spring onions, leeks, lettuce, asparagus, artichokes, beetroot, cabbage and cauliflower on a warm windowsill  

Under a cloche or a polytunnel - Carrots,  

Outside if the soil is workable - Broad beans, Garlic bulbs and Onion sets

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