Beautiful Coral Reef Fish, Relaxing, Calming Music, Coral Reef Fish, & S...

Sit back, relax, and embark on a colourful sea undersea voyage filled with the awe-inspiring wildlife wonders of the coral reefs from around the world. In this film viewers will see a wide array of colourful sea life scenes including dolphins, whales, turtles, sea lions, groupers, nemo fish, rays, bait balls and more. All with the background sound of relaxing, calming, soothing music.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Travel and Nature''. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Walk with me Tim 'Parody': Travel Day - Gatwick, England to St. Lucia, C...

Join us in this 'Walk With Me Tim' Parody video as we spend an entire day travelling from Gatwick airport, London, England, across the Atlantic sea to the wonderfully tropical Caribbean island of St. Lucia.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Five Mistakes to Avoid Growing and Planting the Canary Island Date Palm ...

The Canary Island Date Palm - Phoenix canariensis is an iconic palm tree planted in huge quantities across the Mediterranean and Americas. Despite it's popularity, there can be some cultural issues related to growing this magnificent plant so in this video English horticulturist Simon pops over to the Canary Islands to explains his five mistakes to avoid when growing it. So, how do you take care of the canary island date palm?

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Alan Titchmarsh Shares what you should plant in February - Bare-root Roses

In a recent interview with Lorraine Kelly, national treasure and celebrity gardener Alan Titchmarsh offered some gardening advice on to what would be a great plant to grow in February. On this occasion he recommends bare-root roses. So check out this video to find out to plant in the ground or pot on bare-roots roses as well has how to avoid the many mistakes.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Never Cut these Plants in February

After a long winter of watching the garden stagnate, many of us are desperate to get outside to do some work and often that means cutting back and shaping untidy plants. However there are a number of trees and shrubs that you should never trim, cut, shape or prune in February! So in this video English horticulturist Simon discusses his top plants that should be left untouched and the reasons why.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Five Mistakes to Avoid Growing and Planting Bare Root Roses

With spring just around the corner and bare root trees and shrubs available for at least another month, now is the ideal time to pick up some fantastic bare-root rose bargains. However, its not really a bargain if you are unaware of some of the mistakes that can be made when planting, growing or potting them on! So in this video English horticulturist Simon explains his top five mistakes that you should try to avoid with bare root roses so that you cab produce the very best flower display later on in the growing season.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Monty Dons says 'Cut back these Three Plants NOW for February'

Spring is just around the corner and in order to get some early gardening jobs completed in a timely manner Monty Don has issued some pertinent advice for February. In this video he discusses three plants that will need to be cut this month, as well as some last minute pruning jobs if you missed out on them earlier on in the year!

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

What Flowers To Sow in February, and What to Sow in Winter. Best Seeds f...

February is here and while we are still in the depths of winter the days are increasing in length and every now and again the sun appears! This means that spring is only just around the corner so to make the most of our relatively short growing period the early gardeners amongst you will already be sowing seeds in order the hit the ground running once the threat of late frosts have passed. So in this video English horticulturist Simon discusses his favourite flower seeds to start early.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Alan Titchmarsh's Five Favourite Flowers

Alan Titchmarsh is one of England's most beloved TV gardeners and in this video we discuss his five favourite flowers. Now they may not be to everyone's tastes but we are all entitled to our own opinions. So in this video English horticulturist Simon give his!

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Monty Don's Full List of Seeds to be Sown in February

This is Monty Dons full list of vegetable seeds to be planted in February. The list is broken down into the following groups:

Heated propagators for Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and aubergines at approximately 20 Celsius 
Peas in root trainers, deep modular tray or toilet rolls   

Chit potatoes – first and second earlies to get the sprouting earlier. This will give you an earlier crop compared to not chitting 

Onions, spring onions, leeks, lettuce, asparagus, artichokes, beetroot, cabbage and cauliflower on a warm windowsill  

Under a cloche or a polytunnel - Carrots,  

Outside if the soil is workable - Broad beans, Garlic bulbs and Onion sets

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: These are the Exotic Seeds we are Growing, Sowing ...

In this video English horticulturist Simon explains which exotic flower seeds he will be sowing and germinating for his tropical effect garden this February and March.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Alan Titchmarsh Issues Warning to Gardeners Growing Herbs this February!

Alan Titchmarsh is well known for issuing excellent gardening advice. In this video he expresses his concern about the onset of freezing temperatures in a recent article online and English horticulturist checks out what that could mean for the herbs growing in your garden. So, just what is the advice for growing herbs?

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Monty Don Shares his Essential Gardening Jobs to do in February to 'Prep...

With the onset of March no more than a few weeks away, Monty Don is keen to get on with as many time sensitive gardening Jobs completed now in order to prepare for heavy workload of spring. The more garden tasks you can get done now, the easier your  garden will be to manage and maintain once the growing season is in full swing. So in this video we check out what Monty Don's gardening advice has in store for us.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.