Free Tomato Seeds and Plants USA and UK

If you are looking for free tomato seeds or plants you might get lucky with a charitable donation but the chances are that you may have to make it happen yourself. The good news is that this is surprisingly simple so in this video English horticulturist Simon explains exactly how he processes the seeds from a shop bought tomato to produce his own tomato plants.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

What is Acer Dieback, how to recognise Acer Dieback, How to Treat Acer D...

Step back in time twenty years and there didn't seem to be such as thing as Acer dieback, yet almost everywhere you look now there are usually a few specimens displaying the tell-tale signs of future death! So what is Acer Dieback, what causes it? Furthermore, how do you recognise it and what can you do about it if your have it? Well luckily for you English horticulturist Simon goes deep into these questions and more! You just need to watch this video to find the answers.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Salvia involucrata 'Hadspen'

Salvia involucrata 'Hadspen' is a rarely seen yet absolutely wonderful cultivar that is known for its rather bizarre opening flowerbud! Surprisingly hardy, although it does require a little support for its stems, it is an easy plant to grow so long as you can keep the slugs and snails at bay while they are establishing. So if you want to know how to grow Salvia involucrata 'Hadspen' then English horticulturist Simon will give you the benefit of this knowledge in this video.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Exotic garden Jobs for May

Sunny days and mild nights have finally arrived, albeit with a few hiccups. With this change in the air life is finally flourishing in the garden, with regards to the plants that we want, and the plants, pests and diseases we don't! In order to keep a tight grip on the process so as to maintain standards and not  make more work later on in the year English horticulturist Simon explains the exotic garden jobs that he has planned for this May.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Where is the Best Place to Plant and Grow a Camellia

Camellias are arguably the best of all the early spring flowering shrubs, but they can be quite needy with regards to where they are placed in the garden and that includes being planted in to a large container! So in this video English horticulturist breaks down the requirements Camellias need to perform at their best and how to implement that as best as you can in your garden.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Is the World's Most Exotic Fuchsia Winter hardy - F...

There are plenty of half-hardy bedding fuchsias available in the spring but one of the most exotic of all ornamental  fuchsias is conspicuously missing. And that is the magnificent Fuchsia boliviana! Commonly grown by 'those in the know' or anyone in Madeira, it's time this impressive species was more widely grown here in the UK. So Lorna and I have taken it on ourselves to trial this plant in our cosy, south coast garden to see how it copes with our crappy winter weather. This video is the result of that micro-trial.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Why Have My Camellia Flowers Buds Turned Brown - Camellia Flower Blight

Oh my goodness! Spring has arrived, your Camellias are in bloom, then without warning they have been covered in unsightly, ugly brown markings! So what has caused that and is there anything that can be done to save them? Well, in this video English horticulturist Simon explains what has caused the problem and what can be done about it although be aware that there is no quick and easy treatment! So check out why have your camellia flower buds turned brown - Camellia flower blight to find out more.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Five Mistakes To Avoid Planting and Growing Tree Lilies

Tree lilies are arguably the king of all lilies and why wouldn't they be? Massive blooms, impressive heights, hardy and low maintenance it's surprising that more aren't seen as you walk around your suburban paradise! Anyway, to get the very best out of your display there are a few planting decisions that need to be both made and actioned, so in this video English horticulturists Simon and Lorna point out their five mistakes to avoid when planting and growing Tree lilies.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How To Plant and Grow Bare-Root Dahlias

Dahlias can provide one of the best floral displays over the summer and autumn, assuming they are kept dead-headed. However they can prove to be expensive when purchased on bloom. However, by purchasing them in the spring as bare-root section you can not only save your hard earned money you can generally find a far larger selection to choose from especially if you are sourcing from specialist growers on the internet. So in this video English horticulturist Simon explains how he plants and grows his bare-root dahlias to get the best out of them.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Crinum Bulbs - Crinum Powellii, Powell's Swamp Lily

You can't argue that Crinum bulbs produce a spectacular bloom both in its size and in its architecture. So in this video English horticulturist Simon explains his technique for planting the Crinum powellii bulb in order to get the best performance out of it.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Exotic Garden April Tour - Arundel Castle Special

Arundel Castle Gardens are a hidden gem of exotic UK gardens and for some bizarre reason is seldom mentioned in the media! However Lorna and I have taken it upon ourselves to showcase this stunning garden in all of its April glory. And where many exotic gardens tend to fall down at this time of year (I'm looking at you RHS Wisley) this one still manages to shine brightly.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Exotic Garden Jobs for April

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and if you have done enough research, enough work and spent enough money then your exotic garden may actually showing some ornamental value this early on in the spring. Ours still needs work and the money will have to wait, but there are a lot of jobs that need actioning in a timely fashion! So in this video English horticulturist Simon takes a tour of his exotic garden to point our the relevant jobs he is looking at this April.

Regarding the tree fern spring maintenance video mentioned, the link is below:

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How to Plant and Grow Seed Potatoes in a Container or Pot

If you want to grow healthy, excellently flavoured potatoes, but neither have the room outside nor a garden for traditionally trenched rows, then planting your seed potatoes into a large pot or container could be just the solution you are looking for. So in this video English horticulturist Simon explains what you need to get started and his technique for producing a strong healthy crop.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tree Fern Unwrapping and Spring Maintenance - Dicksonia antarctica

With the returning mild spring weather, tree ferns are awakening and with that work needs to be done. Winter protection will need to be removed and environmental needs need to be met in order to give these wonderful plants the best start. So in this video English horticulturist Simon explains what spring maintenance he implements regarding his tree ferns -  Dicksonia antarctica, once the winter protection has been put aside for another year.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

April Garden Pests Warning!

April brings with it warmer weather, rain and the emergence of new plant growth. In fact one could say that it has everything you need to kick start your garden pests into abundant, foliage-destructive life! Unfortunately the poorer weather of the previous months has meant that many gardeners have avoided venturing into the garden but this is a mistake as many common garden pests are already actively feeding and breeding. To find out what are the likely culprits in your garden, as well as how to combat them, English horticulturist Simon discusses four of the worst in this April garden pest warning.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Bare-Root Canna Lilies

As far as exotic plants go Canna lilies almost have it all! They are hardy throughout a good proportion of the UK, they produce incredible tropical -effect, architectural foliage, and once they start flowering they will last almost until the first frost so long as you keep on top of the dead-heading. However they can be expensive to purchase the fancy varieties once they come into season, unless of course you take advantage of purchasing your canna lilies as bare-root sections come the spring. So if you are one of the organised early-birds you may well be interested in how to plant and grow bare-root canna lilies. Well in this video English horticulturist Simon and Lorna explain how they manage theirs.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Is RHS Wisley England's Best Garden? We Take a Tour

The Royal Horticultural Society gardens at Wisley, Woking, is not only the best of all the RHS gardens, but it is at least in our opinion one of the very best gardens in England! It displays a large number of extremely well designed and executed gardens, with a high level of both maintenance and detailing. In fact one could argue that no expense is spared. So we put it to you, is RHS Wisley England's best garden? If you don't agree then let us know what is your favourite garden in the comments. You never know, Lorna and I may well give it a visit to see for ourselves

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Five Mistakes to Avoid Growing Tomatoes from Seeds

Tomatoes are one of the easiest edible crops to grow from seed but there are so many things than can go wrong and ruin it all! So in this video English horticulturist points out his top five mistakes to avoid when growing Tomatoes from seed. So with a little patience and forward preparation you too will able to guarantee a successful crop.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Musa basjoo - Hardy or Japanese Banana

The hardy Japanese banana is arguably the toughest of all banana plants and is super-easy to grow here in the UK. With roots cold tolerant to -15 degrees Celsius it is as strong as they come and they require next to no maintenance other that watering during periods of drought.

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How to Plant and Grow Ginger Lilies - Bare Root Hedychium

With milder winters, and a far better availability from our traditional garden and on-line retailors, Ginger lilies are slowly becoming the 'must-have' plants of the season. In fact, no self-respecting cold hardy, tropical effect and exotic garden should be without one, especially with a number of choice specimens capable of surviving outside in our UK winters - albeit in the milder regions of the southern and south-western counties. With so many fancy, as well as RHS tried and tested hybrids, available just how do you plant and grow bare-root ginger lilies (Hedychium hybrids)? English horticulturist Simon and Lorna explain how.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: RHS Wisley Exotic Garden March Tour Walk-Around

Although spring has barely begun to sprung, any good exotic, tropical effect garden should have something interesting to look at, at anytime of year! So Lorna and I took a rare opportunity to visit RHS Wisley this March to check out their exotic garden to see what, if anything, it has to offer. So why not join us as we embark on our RHS Wisley exotic garden March tour?

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Five Genuinely Blue, Cold-Hardy Palm Trees

If palm trees were not exotic enough for an English garden, there are a number of absolutely fantastic blue palm trees available too. All of which are capable of withstanding the freezing temperatures of England, although one at least will only survive the very mildest regions of the UK such as those hallowed Isles of Scilly. To find out more, check out English horticulturist Simon top five genuinely blue, cold hardy palm trees.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical gardens UK: Exotic Garden March Tour Walk Around

March has brought with it a change in the air! The nights are milder and plants are racing to emerge from the soil. So its worth having a walk around the garden to witness the beginnings of new life, as well as enjoy the early flowering bulbs. So why not join English horticulturist Simon as he shows you what is on the move in his exotic garden in his monthly walk around tour?

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: New Plants for our Exotic Garden

The winter calendar has finally clicked over from February to March allowing specialist nurseries to finally dispatched long awaited exotic plants to eager customers such as myself. Within just a few days, a number of packages turned up at our front door,  so in this video English horticulturist Simon opens the boxes to find out which new plants for our exotic garden have arrived.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Exotic Garden Jobs for March

With the milder overnight temperatures of March you can really begin to see plants waking up for spring. Early bulbs are coming into bloom and even hardier plants are beginning to break bud.  This means it time to start preparing for the weeks and months to come to ensure the very best spring and summer displays. So check out English horticulturist Simon's exotic garden jobs for March to find out what he is planning for his garden.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Are Aspidistra elatior Cold Winter Hardy - Cast Iron Plant?

The Cast Iron Plant - Aspidistra elatior is well known as a popular houseplant  of the Victorian period and for good reason. It is drought tolerant, cold tolerant, shade tolerant and capable of surviving the coal-smoke filled atmosphere of the Victorian drawing room. But is it tough enough to cope outside in a typical English winter? Well English horticulturist Simon says yes and in this video explains his thinking behind it. 

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Can You Grow a Banana Tree Outside in the UK ?

As far as tropical-effect plants go banana trees (not a true tree) are arguable amongst the most iconic. So wouldn't it be amazing if it were possible to grow a fully hardy banana plants outside, all year round, in your own garden despite our awful winter weather? Well it turns out that you can - assuming you don't mind that it won't produce edible fruit, and it not just a choose of one, there are literally three banana and banana-likey's that you can take your pick from. To find out more check out English horticulturist Simon's top three hardy plants from the banana family.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Magnolia x soulangeana - Saucer Magnolia, Tulip T...

Magnolia x soulangeana, along with its many gorgeous hybrids, is arguably the first full-blown, outstanding horticultural display of the spring. With its massive blooms opening up and unobscured by leafless stems it is no wonder that this superstar of a plant is so popular here in the UK. So to find out how to plant and grow Magnolia X Soulangeana otherwise known as the  Saucer Magnolia, Tulip Tree or Chinese Magnolia check out English horticulturist Simon top tips in this video.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Five Mistakes to Avoid Planting and Growing Crocosmia Bulbs - Montbretia

Crocosmia cultivars and hybrids are one of the great mainstays of the tropical-effect, exotic garden. However as a native to southern and eastern Africa some specimens are hardier than other and native conditions are best matched as possible to get the most out of these impressive plants. So to get the most out of your Crocosmias (commonly called Montbretias) English horticulturist Simon explains his five mistakes to avoid when planting and growing Crocosmia (Montbretia) bulbs.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Tree Peonies, Peony , Paeonia suffruticosa

Tree Peonies are one of those plants that gardeners tend to put on a pedestal. Exquisitely fragile, expensive if you have purchased one from a decent propagator, yet full of eastern exoticness! I think exoticness is a real word. Anyway, come the spring and the garden centres are usually full of cheaply grafted plants at a comparably reasonable price - although the quality can be a little suspect. Be hat as it may you are going to want to do the best by them so check out English horticulturists Lorna and Simon guide on how to plant and grow Tree Peonies, Peony, Paeonia suffruticosa.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK: Exotic Garden Jobs for February

While technically still winter, February is usually when the first signs of spring appear. However a few mild days can spring the garden back into to life so its worth taking advantage of these balmy times to get on top of those time sensitive jobs which can greatly benefit you further into the season. 

Check out the following video links as mentioned in the above video:


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Five Mistakes to Avoid Planting and Growing Bare-Root Peonies, Peony, Pa...

Peonies are arguably some of the most bold and impactful of all ornamental flowering plants. However they can be surprisingly expensive, especially when bought in bloom. So by keeping an eye out in your local garden centres and other plant retailing outlets come early spring there is a good chance that you will be able to find a reasonable selection of pre-packed, bare-root peonies available for sale and at a far more reasonable price! That being said there are a few thing you will need to know in order the get the very best performance out of your bare-root plants so in this video English horticulturist Lorna explains her five mistakes to avoid when planting and growing bare-root peonies.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Tropical Gardens UK:Exotic Garden February Tour Walk Around

At face value there isn't much to see in an exotic garden in February. Look at bit closer however, and you will see that life is returning for its big, spring comeback! So join English horticulturist Simon as he takes a late winter tour around his garden to see just what is on the move.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

When do you Plant Snowdrops - Galanthus nivalis

Although not the first plant to flower in a new year snowdrops are easily the most recognisable and with their pure-white blooms the most noticeable! Often seen naturalised throughout the UK one might be forgiven for wanting to grow this extremely cute and perfectly formed bulb in your own garden. Assuming this is true, just when is the best time for planting snowdrops - Galanthus nivalis?

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Five Common Cycad Problems Treatment and Recovery - Sago Palm, Cycas re...

Cycads are arguably the kings of an exotic-effect garden and why wouldn't they be? They have ridiculously glossy leaves, wonderful architectural structure and more importantly look as cute as a button! However they can suffer from cultural, and environmental as well as a number of pests and disease. So check out this video where English horticulturist Simon explains his five common problem, treatment and recovery of the Sago Palm - Cycas revoluta.

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How to Plant and Grow Bare Root Agapanthus - Lily of the Nile

Indigenous to the southern African continent, Agapanthus (common name 'Lily of the Nile') is a truly gorgeous genus of herbaceous plants, perfect for almost any style of garden. So assuming you wish to have them in your garden the chances are that you have taken the opportunity to purchase bare root specimens in the spring, therefore avoiding the far higher purchase prices of established pot grown plants when the weather improves.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Bare Root Kniphofia - Red Hot Poker

The Red-Hot Poker - 'Kniphofia' is a fantastic and mostly hardy addition for the exotic, tropical-effect garden. Often bought as bare root plants in the spring there are a few issues which can arise when compared to established pot grown specimens. However, English horticulturists Simon and Lorna point out the most common problems and how to resolve them.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Plant and Grow Crocosmia Bulbs - Montbretia

Crocosmia cultivars and hybrids are one of the great mainstays of the tropical-effect, exotic garden. However as a native to southern and eastern Africa some specimens are hardier than other and native conditions are best matched as possible to get the most out of these impressive plants. So to get the most out of your Crocosmias (commonly called Montbretias) English horticulturist Simon explains how he plants and grows Crocosmia bulbs.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

What is the Hardiest Tree Fern in the World

Tree ferns have not only a gorgeous primordial presence but they can also add a fantastic exotic dimension to any tropical effect garden. However, despite many tree fern genera  being native to subtropical and tropical climates there are a few that you can consider growing in the mildest regions of the UK. However tree ferns are expensive and so to save losing a prized specimen to freezing conditions just which is the hardiest tree fern that you can buy? To find out English horticulturist picks out three of the most widely cultivated tree ferns for garden use and checks out their relative cold hardiness.

Those are Sphaeropteris cooperi, Dicksonia antarctica and Dicksonia squarrosa.

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How To Grow Hardy Fuchsia 'Genii'

If you are looking to grow hardy Fuchsia then arguably one of the most striking colour forms is the fantastic Fuchsia 'Genii'. They are both robust and easy to grow however to get the pest performance out of them there are a couple of tricks of the trade that you can employ. To find out what they are check out English horticulturist Simon video on how to grow hardy Fuchsia 'Genii'.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Common Camellia Problems and Treatment and Recovery

On the whole, camellias are tough, robust and disease free. However environmental conditions and several pest and pathogen genera can change all of that. So in this video English horticulturist SImon looks into the five most common problems which camellias can suffer from as well as discuss their treatment and Recovery.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How To Grow Tree Lilies

Tree lilies are a great addition to an exotic garden, at least they are in my opinion. So to find out how to grow tree lilies check out this video. We discus the best time to buy them, where to plant them and how ro plant tree lilies.

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Five Common Poisonous Plants in Your Garden

As a rule, garden plants are usually purchased on their looks and perhaps fragrance, but these are aggressive living things that have no idea what century they're in and they'll defend themselves. Violently, if necessary. So when walking around your garden take care and always wear gloves - not fox-gloves though that would be dangerous. To find out more check out English horticulturist Simon's five common poisonous plants that could easily be there in your garden!

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

When Is The Best Time To Plant Camellias

Camellias are among the most beloved of all the early flowering hardy plants and as such it's only right that you should should wish to do the best by them. After all they are not the cheapest plant in the shop! So, to help give them the best start it helps enormously to plant them at the right time of the year. When is the best time of year to plant Camellias? Well, English horticulturist Simon explains his thoughts on that subject in this video.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How to Grow the Wollemi Pine - Wollemia nobilis

There has been a lot of interest in the Wollemi pine - Wollemia nobilis, since its discovery in a remote gorge in the Wollemi national park in 1994. Since then it has been successfully propagated, brought in to general cultivation and with a small amount of money you too can grow this so-called 'living fossil' in your own garden. So if you are interested in growing the Wollemi pine in your garden then check out this video.

We explain its history and the conditions required to grow it in your own garden. So long as winter temperatures don't go lower than -5 degrees celsius and your soil is free draining then should you expect every success.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Why is Monty Don Denying Horticulturists

The lovely Monty Don recently published an X - formally known as a tweet, asking '....when did the term 'horticulturist' replace gardener? And why?' So in this video we aim to answer these questions. Also we will try to avoid starting a sentance beginning with 'And'!

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Tropical Cactus Garden - Majorelle Gardens, Marrakech, Morocco

Majorelle gardens is home to one of the worlds greatest collection of cacti and other plant genera, however it has had its ups and downs over the years with regards to the condition and quality of its displays. Many years ago Lorna and I made our first visit to Morocco, with Majorelle gardens on our list of places to visit, and we were not disappointed. It was the best we had ever seen it and although we were not in the market of making YouTube videos then we did take some footage albeit on rather old technology! We hope you enjoy this step back in time with us.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How To Overwinter Winterize Hardy Bananas - Musa, Musella and Ensete

Hardy bananas and hardy banana-likeys are arguably amongst the most tropical effect plants that you can grow here in the UK. Unfortunately the word 'hardy' can be a little misleading as hardiness should be seen as more of a spectrum rather than a definitive characteristic. And so it is with hardy bananas, they will tolerate our winter conditions to a point but without a little help in managing freezing wet conditions root damage or fungal infections can occur. So in this video English horticulturist Simon goes through his winter management techniques for overwintering or winterizing hardy bananas.

In essence, it will be about dry mulching, copious layers of horticultural fleece topped off with a large protective bag to keep off the wind, rain and freezing temperatures.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

How To Grow and Plant The Monkey Puzzle Tree - Araucaria araucana

No-one is doubting that the Monkey Puzzle Tree is one of the most impressive and architectural trees that you can grow. However, due to the immense sizes these trees can attain the question you should probably be asking is whether you 'should' be growing it rather than 'how' to grow it. A question for another video perhaps, although it covered in this video nonetheless! To continue, if you would like to know how to grow and plant a Monkey Puzzle tree - Araucaria araucana, then English horticulturist Simon goes into some detail.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.

Five Mistakes to Avoid Growing Ricinus communis - Castor Oil Plant

It is difficult nowadays to find Ricinus communis plants for sale in your local garden centre however the seeds are still readily available from trusted online retailers should you decide you can't live with out them and are prepare for the faff of growing your own. However, there are some mistakes that are often made when growing these impressive plants so before you start check out English horticulturist Simon's five mistakes to avoid when growing Ricinus communis, otherwise known as the caster oil plant.

If you would like watch more content like this then check out our YouTube channel 'Walking Talking Gardeners'. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. Click onto the notification 'bell' icon to informed as to whenever we publish a new video.