Buddleja globosa |
Commonly known as the 'Orange Ball Buddleja', Buddleja globosa is a deciduous ornamental shrub noted for its deep-yellow to orange blooms. native to both dry and moist forests of the Andes in Peru, Chile and Argentina. It has a long history of cultivation, first introduced to British gardeners by the firm of Kennedy and Lee (two families of prominent Scottish nurserymen at the Vineyard Nursery in Hammersmith, west of London) in 1774. It was subsequently described and named by Scottish botanist Professor John Hope (10 May 1725 – 10 November 1786) in 1782.
Botanical illustration of Buddleja globosa |
Buddleja globosa is an erect, medium-sized shrub which under favourable conditions can attain a height and width of approximately 3-5 metres. In the milder regions of northern Europe it can almost be considered as an evergreen species. The large lanceolate leaves are tawny beneath with a wrinkled surface. The scented blooms are borne in globular heads, arranged in terminal, tapering clusters 12-20 cm long. The flowers appear in May and June, borne on the previous season's wood.
Plant Buddleja globosa in October and November or in May and April. They will be happy in a good loamy soil, and will even tolerate lime. They will perform best in full sun.
As this species flowers on the previous seasons growth, they should be lightly pruned after the blooms have faded by removing them along with approximately 5 to 10 cm of stem.
Buddleja globosa received the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society's in 1993.
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Buddleja globosa
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