How to grow asparagus from seed
How to grow asparagus from seed

When it comes to growing asparagus from seed you will need to prepare a suitable seed bed during the previous autumn. Dig over the bed to a spit deep and incorporate plenty of well-rotted farm manure or garden compost at the same time. Then prior to sowing go over the soil surface to produce a fine tilth.

How to grow asparagus from seed
Asparagus seeds
You can direct sow asparagus seed in April however it can take approximately 6 weeks for the seed to germinate. Sow asparagus seed thinly in drills 1/2 an inch deep and gently water in. When the seedling reach 6 inches high they can be thinned out to the strongest specimens at a spacing of one plant every 12 inches.

Regularly hoe over the topsoil to keep it free of weeds, being careful not to damage or accidentally remove any of the young seedlings. Water regularly throughout the summer. In the autumn when the ferny foliage begins to change colour, it should be cut back to ground level and burned to prevent the berries of female plants from producing unwanted, inferior berries. In fact some growers believe that the very best crops are only from male plants so once female plants have been identified you may wish to lift and dispose of them. The following April, transplant the young plants to their permanent bed, but be aware that it will be another year or so before they will be mature enough to start harvesting the young, edible shoots.

The best crops are produced on light, sandy soils. Heavy soils can be improved by working plenty of  well-rotted farm manure or garden compost.

Growing asparagus seed indoors

Because it can take around 6 weeks for asparagus seed to germinate when directly sown outside you can get an early start on the competition by growing asparagus seed under protection from mid-February to mid-March. Soak the seeds in warm water for a few hours beforehand to help initiate germination.

How to grow asparagus from seed
Asparagus seedlings
Using a modular seed tray, fill with a good quality soil-based compost such as John Innes 'seed and Cutting'. Sow one seed per module at a depth of 1/2 inch deep and water in. Allow the excess water to drain away and then place inside a heated propagator at a temperature of 15-18 degrees Celsius. Move to a warm, bright windowsill, but one that does not receive direct sunlight. Alternatively seal the tray inside a clear polythene polythene bag and place that on the same windowsill.

You can expect the seedlings to germinate from 14-21 days, at which point remove the tray from the bag or propagator. Keep the seedlings moist and once their root systems has established in their modules they can be popped out and potted on into 3 inch pots using a soil-based, multi-purpose compost.

Once the threat of late frosts have passed they can be hardened off outside for a couple of weeks to help acclimate them before planting outside into their final position. Water you new planted asparagus plants regularly over the growing period and keep the bed free of weeds, and in particular perennial weeds.

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